Loc Inspirations
Black History Month Sale
Crafts and Cocktails
Wired Headwraps
Pre-Tied Headwraps
Shea Butters
Hair Oils
Brown Mudcloth Pre-tied Headwrap (No Earrings)
Blue Mudcloth Pre-tied Wrap and Square Earrings
Nubian Wire Headband and Earrings
Sunset Wired Wrap and Teardrop Earrings
Electric Pre-tied Wrap and Square Earrings
Electric Pre-tied Wrap and Teardrop Earrings
Shortcake Wired Wrap and Hoop Earrings
Sahara Pre-tied Wrap and Teardrop Earrings
Portal Pre-Tied Wrap and Teardrop Earrings
Portal Pre-Tied Wrap and Hoop Earrings
Safari Pre-tied Wrap and Teardrop Earrings
Waves Wired Wrap and Hoop Earrings
The Blues Wired Wrap and Hoop Earrings
Ilontay Wired Wrap and Teardrop Earring
Plum Wired Wrap and Hoop Earring
Plum Pre-tied Wrap and Hoop Earring
Safari Wired Wrap and Diamond Earrings
90s Baby Pre-tied Wrap and Teardrop Earring
90s Baby Wired Wrap and Teardrop Earring